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Coronavirus March 17 Update

Rooted Church

Dear Rooted Family & Friends,

We would like to first remind you that you are loved and that God cares for you.

This weekend, in response to growing concerns over COVID-19, Governor Roy Cooper gave an Executive Order indefinitely banning any gathering of more than 100 people. The CDC later issued a similar statement, suggesting to limit groups to 50. On Monday, the president and the White House recommended to avoid meeting in group sizes larger than 10. We desire to be rooted in the Gospel and honor the recommendations from our governmental leaders that God has placed among us as a mean of grace. Rooted Church is also concerned for the public welfare of the cities of RTP. We want to exercise wisdom and love for our neighbors, so we are making the following decisions at this time:

Sunday Worship Gatherings

With the recommendations provided by our governmental leaders, we choose to gladly honor their recommendations. We will not be gathering at our normal gather place (Pure Life) on Sunday March 22, 2020 and March 29, 2020. We will be offering a Facebook livestream of our service for the next two Sundays at 10:30 AM. You will be able to find the link to the livestream here: We do not know how long we will continue in this manner, but we will continue to monitor the situation weekly and communicate any developments with you.

Growth Groups

In light of the recent presidential recommendation to limit groups to no more than 10 people, growth groups should refrain from meeting in person until further notice. But in the meantime, we will have “virtual growth groups” over video conferencing. We want to encourage you to live out Acts 2:42-47 with the Spirit at work in us. Correspondence regarding this matter to follow with conferencing details. For more information, reach out to: and

Opportunities to Enjoy / Equip / Engage



  • Increase discipleship and “One Another’s” – We can still leverage technology to faithfully encourage one another and disciple one another. Actively seek out opportunities to talk over the phone, video chat, and join us for Growth Group!

  • 6 Opportunities for Christians by Peter Goeman (2020 Retreat Speaker and Professor at Shepherd Seminary)


  • Engage with Raleigh Dream Center

  • Be Salt & Light to your neighbor! If you have elderly neighbors or neighbors with pre-existing conditions, reach out to assist them.

  • Give online as a means of worship & to advance the Gospel

Further Communication

We recognize that this is a dynamic situation with constant new information and updates. While we do not know when we will begin operating according to a normal schedule, we will continue to communicate updates on mail chimp, Facebook, and website (

Our leaders are here to reflect the Gospel and to assist with needs you may have. We will be monitoring updates and communicating any decisions as they are made. If you have any concerns, questions, and ways to serve (one another and our city), please contact Andrew, Haji, or Pastor Gary.

Lastly, please remember in midst of this season that we are to respond to this crisis not through fear, but through love and grace. May God’s grace and peace be with each of you.

With Faith, Hope, and Love

Pastor Gary, Andrew, & Haji

Psalm 91:1-2

My Refuge and My Fortress

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

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