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John Lee

Rooted Church

John Lee is a member here at Rooted along with his wife Rachel. He faithfully serves within our church's production team on Sunday mornings and we are so grateful God has placed him here. Here is part of his testimony:

I grew up as a non-Christian with a Buddhist background. The main philosophy behind this religion is about reincarnation by one’s good deeds. My parents are also strong proponents of doing one’s best to achieve a successful life. So, I was taught to be a good and hard-working person in my life.
When I came to the U.S to study abroad the first time, I realized I had to study and work very hard with multiple jobs and away from the comfort of home. It was also difficult for me to make friends in a foreign country. I thought the purpose of my life was vain. I broke down and cried for the first time in a while singing in a Gospel camp. God touched my heart for the very first time and I felt Him comforting me saying “Child, it’s going to be okay. I’m your God.”

What is your favorite passage of Scripture? Why is that?

Ephesians 2:10:

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (ESV)."

This is a reminder that I’m indeed created in Christ. I belong to Christ. Because of Jesus, everything changes. That’s the whole reason that I’m doing the works that I’m called to do and walking in the ways I’m called to walk.

What was important in a church that it brought you to Rooted? How long have you been here?

It’s the multi-Asian community of Rooted that really relates to my background. The doctrine that is taught is sound. I have been there for 1 year and 2 months.

What is something that God used COVID to grown you in?

It has grown me in holding fast to the hope that God will revert the adverse effects of COVID to normal and to not be discouraged to pray.

What is your biggest hope to see happen within the Rooted family?

My biggest hope is that Rooted Church will continue live out the initial calling to serve the needs of Asian minority in the area.

Our church is so grateful to have John Lee as part of our family! Please take a moment and pray in gratitude over John. Lift up his walk with the Lord, his marriage, and his ministry to those around him.

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